It probably all started when I got #37 from the Grab-A-Number machine when they were only on #5. And I actually waited. All 45 minutes.
By that time, I made it up to the window I had rearranged my paperwork 300 billion times. Made sure it was all there. Organized it in the most possible logical manner. I had the check book out. I was ready to go.
I've been around enough. I do not expect these ladies to be friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Bitchiness has to be a requirement for the job.
I gave some general pleasanty that I knew would be ignored when I first sat down at the window. So, I handed all my papers over as quickly as possible. After running through everything, she hands back my personal property tax receipts and my insurance card.
[DMV Pain-In-the-Ass] "Ma'am, do you have your 2007 personal property tax receipt?"
[Me] "Yes
[DMV Pain-In-the-Ass] "No, that's....(some OTHER form that I don't even know what she's talking about) can go to the other office (literally 2 feet away) to get that Monday-Friday from 9-5."
[DMV Pain-In-the-Ass] "No, I can look it up on the computer"
[Me] "Oh, see it says that I paid it down here at this date and time"
[DMV Pain-In-the-Ass] "We can't accept that. I argue with people all day long about this. THIS is NOT what you want"
[Me] "So.....I.....can't download it from the computer? I have to go to the office?"
[DMV Pain-In-the-Ass] "No, you can. You just have to go into the program further."
Seriously lady, when you realized I printed the wrong form because apparently everyone else does too, why did you waste your breath? Just look me up in the freaking computer and hopefully I can get it right in two years. But don't count on it because I'm still confused.