Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I used to be the queen of "going with my gut" when it came to people. I'd make a judgment after initially meeting someone and it would be final; I'd either "hate" the person or we'd be friends. I used to think my gut was never wrong. It usually has at least some level of truth, but I've learned to not completely rely on it. I wouldn't have such great friends I have today if I would have gone with my initial impression every time.

My initial impressions have some level of stereotype associated with them, usually spawned by people I've come in contact with previously. I think it is easy to fall into that trap, but I make a conscious effort not to slip in.

Recently, however, I've had people's stereotypes used to make judgments about me. Some unknowingly. I've been in a couple group situations where out of the blue, something negative about Christians gets brought up. I know most of the company I was in were not Christians, but it still struck me as very out of place. These very negative and derogatory comments were coming from people who seemingly value diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. Oh wait, they only really value those beliefs and views they deem correct and then stereotype and pigeon hole the rest.

It is sad that their view of Christians are uptight, prejudice people who only go around judging others. I find their stereotypes extremely sad and inaccurate for majority of those with the Christian faith. I don't wear my beliefs on my sleeve, but they are very deep and important to me. And I still respect those that made the comments. I know I don't have Christian tattooed across my forehead, but next time I hope they'll think twice before making such hurtful and venomous comments. You never know who is amongst your company.

Hopefully next time I'll feel more comfortable to enlighten them about the "other" Christians out there.

And the chatty nursing students have arrived to have a Mary Kay party where I'm studying. Wonderful.


No, really, they were having a Mary Kay party. Who can study in the middle of that?


Missy said...

The good thing about that is that they will find out YOU are a Christian, and you might completely change their mind about things.

Kinda like, it's really hard to be racist when you actually have black friends that you know and love.

Anonymous said...

Megan! I hope your last comment about nursing student was supposed to be an ironic joke, but I can't tell. So I'm still going to say, you can't write a whole blog entry about acceptance and the harms of stereotypes then end with the nurses having a Mary Kay party!

Anonymous said...

Also I blog stalk you all the time. Creepy ...

"The Rob" said...

Stereotypes(ST) may not always be accurate with everyone, but just like there's some truth behind legend; there's some truth behind (ST). For instance, when I acted "white trash" people said, "Look at that white trash guy". Everyone whose favorite ice cream is vanilla is not a serial killer, but all serial killers favorite ice cream is vanilla. Go to a project, a church, an AA meeting, etc. You wouldn't realize someone special if it weren't for those predispositions based on (ST).