Sunday, January 13, 2008


I tend to add -ing on the end of words that aren't technically verbs, but have become so in my life. Walmarting is one of them. It isn't just grocery shopping. Walmarting is an experience! And not a good one I must add.

It starts off from the minute I pull into the parking lot. Does anyone pay attention to the direction you're SUPPOSED to go down the lanes? Or that there are even lanes? I feel like I'm dodging cars from every angle. And then they look at me like I'm the idiot when they're going the wrong way down a one-way. What's that? I've been wishing for years that they would put in spikes that would pop up if you're driving the wrong direction. Then they might learn.

So then I start looking for an opening parking place. Half the time it isn't the cars that are taking them up, but carts. Literally, two spaces from the cart coral are carts pilled up and blocking to parking spot. Really?...really? C'mon, you're THAT lazy?

So once I've, hopefully, made it safely into a parking spot without any carts around, I make my way inside. I notoriously get the cart with the squeaky wheel, the non-rolling wheel, or the cart that just plain won't go straight. And I'm off, but not for long. I always....ALWAYS get stuck behind a motorized wheel chair. I can crawl faster than those things! And my headache has only begun.

It seems like ever aisle I go down people are parked in the MIDDLE. Why? And the worst part is they don't move when I stand there, obviously trying to get through. The same with parents and their kids. I know it's hard being a parent, but please, control your children when they are in the store. If your two year old is obviously standing in the way of other people getting through, maybe the best place for them is in the cart? Just a thought.

Then there are the people who are parked directly in front of the food I want to grab. Typically not a big deal. I wait and then swoop in when they are done. Yesterday, there was a couple that took forever! I swear they read the nutritional information on every cereal bar in the aisle. All the while, I stand off to the side starring directly at them. They even looked at me multiple times still oblivious. Oh well.

Even checking out is bad. I almost have to stand in line longer than it took me to actually shop. They build these huge stores with endless check out lanes, but then only have 2 open. Is it just me?

So I dread going to the grocery store on weekends...well ever. It always seems to be more of a headache than it's worth. Who needs to eat anyways?


Ms. Mayhem said...

Amen sister!!!! In a nutshell.

Missy said...

I was at WalMart at 10pm FIVE days before Christmas and they had TWO lanes open. I stood in line for 30 minutes. At ten pm. Five days before Christmas.

I loathe WalMart.