Monday, February 25, 2008

What's With the Limp?

I'm hoping the week won't be as bad as it started off. This morning in the shower, I dropped the Sam's Club-bulk-size condition on my foot. It landed directly on the bone and immediately started swelling up. I'm screaming and hobbling around since the pain was horrendous. And then I start to feel it coming on. I lose my vision and start getting sick to my stomach. So I'm trying not to pass out with my head between my knees while standing on one foot. I'm sure I was a sight. All passed and I'm left with a swollen, extremely painful foot and a nice limp all thanks to some conditioner. I think I'm prone to freak accidents, but that's a story for another day.

1 comment:

"The Rob" said...

Ha Ha Ha. The image of you just out of the shower with your head between your legs on one foot........ That's an image.