Friday, May 23, 2008

Help Wanted

So I've progressively been adding to my "About Me" section.

Over there --------->

Turns out, I really suck at describing myself.

How would you describe me? Yes, you. Don't be shy. I want to hear.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!


Anonymous said...

How about:
Focused, determined, likes to laugh, lovely smille?

Ms. Mayhem said... surprised me. I thought I had you peg as this determined and stearn person...but I was wrong. You are certainly determined, but not stearn. You are VERY kind, funny, and sensitive. I think you maybe understood at times because you don't "sugar-coat" and "perky"--you are not. You have an energy and wit that is clever and focused. So may I suggest... Intelligent, clever, kind, funny, sensitive, wise, and focused