Saturday, January 26, 2008

24 Years of Experience

So I still read the Toledo Blade, my hometown's newspaper. I can't say it's because I really care about their local news, but they are one of the few papers I know that prints the daily log of births, marriage licenses, divorces and deaths. For years, I've read the daily log solely to find the largest gap in age of two people getting married.

Oh believe me, I've found some good ones. I usually get all giddy and shoot off emails to my parents and friends because it feels like such an accomplishment to me. I know, this is totally making me sound neurotic. The small things in life keep me entertained.

Anyways, the other day I was perusing the daily log. Usually they list the names of the people, their ages, and their respective jobs. That day I didn't find any particularly exciting age gaps, but I did see something else that I found fascinating.

A 24-year-old woman was getting big deal, normal. However, her job was listed as "life coach".

On so many levels this was really, really weird to me.

First, hiring a life coach seems so west-coast to me. Not something working-class Toledoans are into, well at least willing to spend money on. But what do I know, I haven't lived there for 6 years.

Second, she's a 24-year-old life coach. Don't you have to know something about life to be coach?
The girl isn't even married yet, which is a whole life changing experience in itself. I still think a lot of people in their early 20's are still trying to figure out life in general. Many have graduated college and are just starting their first jobs. Others are still living off their parents. I know at 24, I know a lot more about life than my 18-year-old sister, but definitely not as much as my [cough]-year-old mother! I just think there is so much more to experience before I can safely give advice on how to live life.

On second thought, I'm probably not the person to ask for life any age.....ever.

1 comment:

"The Rob" said...

When I was 25 I was a supervisor for RAC, a father of a 12 and 9 year old, I had been a journalist (in the Navy), a salesman, factory worker(many of those), restaurant manager, referee, coach, engaged twice, lived with three women(different times), etc. etc. I still don't think I could be a life coach. Oh, BTW, thanks for making me actually sign up for something just so I could comment.