Thursday, January 3, 2008

Right Under My Nose

I made out today. Shopping that is. My absolute favorite scent at Bath and Body Works, Cotton Blossom, is being discontinued...err....replaced with Sea Island Cotton. Though somewhat similar, Cotton Blossom still takes the cake.

Well Anthony and I stopped off today after lunch to pick up a gift for a friend. As I'm perusing all the buckets and bins and feeling slightly overwhelmed (I'm sure it was much worse for Anthony), I happened upon the most amazing sight. A bin FULL of Cotton Blossom Body Splash. The best part: $3 each.

I swooped up 13 bottles, only because 15 seemed a little excessive :)

Who knew it would make my day that much!


Shannon said...

Did you just carry the bin up there when you wanted to check out? God, I hope so.

Ms. Mayhem said...
